This is a stand alone motion controller for focus stacking, video motion control, etc. It can be operated via IR remote control in which case no computer needed. It can also be connected to a computer via USB port, as well as via WiFi wireless connection.
- 12 levels of power setting, from 0.125A to 1.5A, perfect for customized rails
- 8 levels of micro stepping from full to 1/128th microstep, allows finer steps
- Limit switch port, this allows you to install hardware limit switch
- Custom Lead screw pitch and motor parameters make it suitable for customized rails
- IR remote allows you to control the unit without touching it
- Firmware upgrade can be done via USB port
- Super silent and smooth motor driving technology.
- Can be used with computer via USB port or WiFi
- Motion control for video sliders (available separately)
Camera shutter release cable and power supply are optional.
Important Note: There is NO CR2025 battery inside remote due to shipping restrictions. It must be purchased locally.
Download FSS Build 14162 (with video support)
Firmware v1.6 Bluetooth Edition
Android App (BETA) Needs Bluetooth version of firmware.
WiFi/USB/IR Remote Motion Controller